Lots of Changes at EFR!
Sorry it has been so long since the last update with goodies, but we have been super busy at our forum,
Escape From Reality. With the changes going on at Yuku, we had an influx of new members from BAMA Creations & Britsy Nin, forums that we've been with friends with for years. Instead of starting over & building new forums, members of both groups migrated to EFR. And we are so honored to welcome them to the group!
With the addition of these wonderful new members, we also had a few artists move in to the group.
We are super excited to announce the arrival of our Resident Artists, Bobbie & Marilyn Allen (of BAMA Creations)! They now have a website for their art
(bobbieandmarilynallen.com) and have boards at
Escape From Reality to display their newest art! We will have challenges and contests using their lovely art!
We are also happy to welcome ©Craftykid, ©JDD Designs, ©Patricia Doyle, & ©Persia to our group! These lovely artists have graciously offered to share their art at our forum as well. Stop by and check out the amazing FTU tubes, posers, and scrap kits available!
Hugs, Kathyfrances