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Welcome to Escape From Reality Blog!
"The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless." --Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Friday, January 20, 2017

FTU 'Yummy Valnetine' Cluster & Cluster Frames

Ready for Valentine's Day? Here are some gorgeous Valentine Cluster Frames & Clusters to help you out! They were made by members of Escape From Reality using the scrap kit Yummy Valentine by Tiny Turtle Designs. You can this lovely kit at the site We hope you enjoy using these cluster frames!

To download, simply click on the image to open full size,
then right click and select save image as.

by CodieGirl

by Louise's Dreams

by Robin 
 by KITT Kreations

by Lonelydove

FTU 'Winter Warmth' Cluster & Cluster Frames

Here are some more gorgeous winter Cluster Frames & Clusters, made by members of Escape From Reality using the scrap kit Winter Warmth by Tiny Turtle Designs. You can purchase this lovely kit at the site We hope you enjoy using these cluster frames!

To download, simply click on the image to open full size,
then right click and select save image as.

by Robin

by Louise's Dreams

by KITT Kreations

by CodieGirl

by Lonelydove

FTU 'Winter Wonderland' Cluster & Cluster Frames

These gorgeous winter Cluster Frames & Clusters were made by members of Escape From Reality using the scrap kit Winter Wonderland by Tiny Turtle Designs. You can purchase this lovely kit at We hope you enjoy using these cluster frames!

To download, simply click on the image to open full size,
then right click and select save image as.

by RuthML

by Louise's Dreams

by CodieGirl

by KITT Kreations

FTU Word Art 'If The Crown Fits'

FTU Word Art by Kathyfrances
I hope this is something you can use! Enjoy!
Hugs, Kathyfrances

Click to see full size, 'right click' and 'save image as'

I made this tag as a snag; you are welcome to add 
your name to it but please follow my TOU here.

FTU 'With Love' Cluster & Cluster Frames

Here are some gorgeous Valentine Cluster Frames & Clusters! They were made by members of Escape From Reality using the scrap kit With Love by Tiny Turtle Designs. You can this lovely FTU kit at the site We hope you enjoy using these cluster frames!

To download, simply click on the image to open full size,
then right click and select save image as.

by Buffy

by Ruth
 by KITT Kreations

by CodieGirl

Saturday, January 7, 2017

FTU 'This Is Love' Cluster & Cluster Frames

Here are some Cluster Frames & Clusters just in time for Valentines Day! They were made by members of Escape From Reality using the scrap kit This Is Love by PolkaDot Scraps. You can this gorgeous FTU kit at the site We hope you enjoy using these cluster frames!

To download, simply click on the image to open full size,
then right click and select save image as.

by RuthML

by Kathyfrances

by KITT Kreations
 by CodieGirl

By Louise's Dreams