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Welcome to Escape From Reality Blog!
"The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless." --Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Sunday, December 3, 2017

FTU "Winter Snow" Clusters & Cluster Frames

These lovely clusters & frames were made by members of Escape From Reality,
 using the scrapkit Winter Snow by Tiny Turtle Designs.  The crisp white is
 perfect for the winter season! Enjoy!


FTU "Festive Winter" Clusters & Cluster Frames

These lovely clusters & frames were made by members of Escape From Reality,
 using the scrapkit Fesitve Winter by Tiny Turtle Designs.  The brilliant jewel 
colors are perfect for the holiday season! Enjoy!


FTU "Festive Fall" Clusters & Cluster Frames

These lovely clusters & frames were made by members of Escape From Reality,
 using the scrapkit Fesitve Fall by Tiny Turtle Designs. Enjoy!