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Welcome to Escape From Reality Blog!
"The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless." --Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

CF 'Princess Fantasy' kit by LMS


These cluster frames were created using the gorgeous kit 'Princes Fantasy'
 by LMS. You can find more of her creations HERE.

To save full-size, click to open & save as usual.

BCA FTU Cluster Frames kit by TTD


This kit if FREE and can be found at the Tiny Turtle Designs store, located HERE.
Our taggers enjoyed using this lovely kit to make cluster frames, hope you can use!

To save full-size, click to open & save as usual.

Autumn & Halloween Masks by Deana

These amazing masks were created by Deana, a talented tagger & admin from the EFR Forum!
To save full size, click to open & save as usual.

Word Art by Natalie

This awesome word art was created by Natalie, a talented tagger from the EFR forum!
To save full size, click to open, then save as usual. 

Cluster Frames created by Cuddles


These lovely cluster frames were created by Cuddles, a talented tagger & AI artist from the EFR forum. She used the kit Autumn Days by Cuddles Creations. To see more of Cuddles art, visit her site

Cluster frames are larger than shown. To save full size, click to open, then save as usual.

Monday, September 9, 2024

FTU PU September Templates by Deana

These awesome templates were created by Deana exclusively for the EFR blog!
The download comes with layers. For PU use  only.

The tags below were created to give you an idea of how the template can be used!
Please let us know if you use the templates, we'd love to show off your creations!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

CF 'Cleopatra' kit by Adrienne


These stunning cluster frames were created by members of the EFR forum! We used the kit 'Cleopatra'
 by Adrienne's Designs. To see more of her art, visit her blog,

To save, click to open full size, then save a usual!