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Welcome to Escape From Reality Blog!
"The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless." --Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Monday, January 13, 2020

FTU Cluster Frames 'Bad Princess' TTD

These awesome cluster frames were made by members of EFR, using the
 scrapkit Bad Princess by TTD. You can purchase the kit 

Cluster frames are much larger than shown. To save full-size, you  must first 
click on the image to open it and then right click and save as usual.

FTU Valentine Cluster Frames 'For The Love'

These awesome Valentine cluster frames were made by members of EFR, using the great kit 
'For The Love' by by DigiTee Designs by Sheila Reid

Cluster frames are much larger than shown. To save full-size, you  must first 
click on the image to open it and then right click and save as usual.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

December 2019 BAK by EFR Members 'Icing On The Cake'

In December our taggers were given the theme 'Birthday Party' and a colorful swatch, then challenged to build a kit! Together they built a huge, gorgeous kit full of colorful elements, 
papers, tubes, cluster frames, etc. Everyone that participated received the full kit! 

And for those that didn't have time to participate, the kit is now available at the EFR Gem Store. For those of you not familiar with the EFR forum & gems, all members start out with a gem account of 25,000 gems. Gems are pretend currency and earned by participation (checking in, voting, etc.). So if you would like this kit, stop by Escape From Reality forum!

Here is a gorgeous tag made by one of our members, Pammers!
You can find the tut written by Pammers for this beautiful tag at
her blog, Pammers Passions.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

FTU Valentine Clusters by Clyde

These gorgeous clusters were made by Clyde!

Cluster frames are much larger than shown. To save full-size, you  must first 
click on the image to open it and then right click and save as usual.