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Welcome to Escape From Reality Blog!
"The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless." --Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

FTU PU Cluster Frames Paris Memories TTD


The following clusters & cluster frames were made by members of Escape From 
Reality using the beautiful kit Paris Memories by TTD. You can purchase this
 scrapkit at the TTD store
Images are much larger than shown - to save left click to open full-size, then save.

FTU PU Cluster Frames Lilac Valentine TTD


The following clusters & cluster frames were made by members of Escape From 
Reality using the beautiful kit Lilac Valentine by TTD. You can purchase this
 scrapkit at the TTD store
Images are much larger than shown - to save left click to open full-size, then save.

Valentine Day & St. Patrick's Day MAsks

 These awesome masks were created by Pammers! Enjoy!

Mardi Gras Word Art

 This awesome word art was created by Sandy, a talented tagger from the EFR forum!

And this gorgeous tag was made using the word art!
Thank you, Sandy!